Who I Was, and Who I Am Now (2019)

for piano quintet. 7.5 min.

I had the privilege to attend Fresh Inc for a second time in June 2019, and it was a blast! I learned a whole bunch, I worked closely with Fifth House Ensemble on The Church of Quesadeity, and I also got a chance to write a piece for piano and string quartet.

Throughout my composing life, I have gone through many different mindsets. The first piece I ever wrote down was a jazz combo chart, then I basically worshiped minimalism. After that, I discovered more styles of music, tried to combine all of them together, and somehow ended up in the middle of writing a heavy metal opera about a cult that worships quesadillas (The Church of Quesadeity). I have been diving into the heavy metal mindset for a while, and I wanted a change. I decided to look back at my older writing styles, and the pieces that had a huge impact on my life, so I tried to pay homage to my younger self and to those pieces. But, during the writing process, I realized that I could not ignore who I am today. This piece is a mixture of who I was, and who I am now (as of May 2019).

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