Christopher A. Kaminski

Composer, clarinetist, improvisor. Founder of The Church of Quesadeity.

Featured Piece

Hack (2022)

for electric guitar and live electronics. ~15 min.

I was numb for longer than I care to admit. When I was writing this piece, this piece got me to feel something again. I dedicated this piece to myself, to remember that it is always better to feel something than to feel nothing.

This piece is about pacing. Using an Ebow and transposing delay lines in Ableton Live, I was able to create a space that I can sit in and go through it in my own rhythm, without thinking about anything else.

 Current Projects

The Church of Quesadeity

A heavy metal opera about a cult that worships quesadillas. For two guitars, bass, drums, clarinet, piano, and two vocalists.


Rank: Warmaster OST

An RTS and space combat game, with 4X to glue it all together. It is available on Steam!